A 200-mile ultra marathon for victims of modern slavery
West Yorkshire Hub: Dozens of potential modern slavery cases identified through multi-agency partnership
Telegraph response – Survivors must not be punished for coming forward
Hope for Justice and the Young Living Foundation launch free e-learning course to help keep kids safe online
Advocacy for survivors facing huge delays in CICA compensation claims
Greatest number of potential victims referred to NRM
Exploitation risks in the UK asylum system – report
TIP Report: UK must address ‘piecemeal approach to victim care’
Critical anti-trafficking legislation passes the U.S House of Representatives
Working with the UN to improve countries’ response to human trafficking
USA: Man charged with sex trafficking
39 out of 44 girls groomed online before being trafficked
‘The new space is perfect’ – 22 girls relocate to new Lighthouse
Hope for Justice responds to Sir Mo Farah trafficking revelations
Missing woman found after being forced into prostitution
Hope for Justice contributes to major report on human trafficking in Norway
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