Hope for Justice statement on UK criminal unrest and violence
Promising beginnings as new UK Government commits to tackle human rights and labour abuses
Human Rights Day and human trafficking
Hope for Justice co-curates World Economic Forum’s newest Transformation Map
Urgent Joint Briefing on Amendment 5 to the Illegal Migration Bill
Paweł’s story
Webinars help Norwegian businesses comply with Transparency Act
Equipping businesses to meet requirements of Norwegian Transparency Act
EU Parliament adopts major new legislation on corporate sustainability reporting
Legal aid funding system fails trafficking survivors
Modern slavery is not a legal loophole
Telegraph response – Survivors must not be punished for coming forward
Sir Mo Farah’s bravery must inspire government to act for all victims
Human Rights Act Reform – the Concern for Survivors of Modern Slavery
Ukraine Crisis: Hope for Justice joins more than 25 human rights groups with urgent message to mobile networks
Crucial changes made to Nationality and Borders Bill in House of Lords
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