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July 26, 2024

Anti-deepfake bill passes Senate in critical step forward for survivors arrow
AI Defiance Act

July 19, 2024

Hope for Justice makes recommendations to strengthen international response to human trafficking arrow
Organ Removal People Smuggling

July 19, 2024

Hope for Justice launches new campaign ‘For The 50’ arrow
For The 50 Campaign

July 11, 2024

Police officer jailed for sexually exploiting 14-year-old girl arrow
Conviction Domestic Work

July 2, 2024

Hope for Justice endorses reauthorization of vital U.S. anti-trafficking legislation arrow

June 25, 2024

Launch of the Trafficking In Persons Report 2024: Reaction arrow
Global Estimates of Modern Slavery TIP report

June 13, 2024

Emergency blood transfusion saves 14-year-old boy’s life arrow
ALERT Hospital Anaemia

June 7, 2024

Trafficker charged with exploiting 14-year-old girl arrow
Domestic Servitude Ethiopia

June 3, 2024

60+ anti-trafficking organisations urge election candidates to prioritise modern slavery arrow
International law UK general election

May 18, 2024

Tim Nelson captures joyful moment as teen girl reunited with family arrow
Ethiopia Reintegration

May 17, 2024

Survivor of sexual exploitation wins legal battle for compensation arrow
Child sexual exploitation CICA

May 9, 2024

Deaf teenager reunited with mother after seven years arrow
Deaf teenager Missing children

May 7, 2024

Senators welcome Hope for Justice support for Trafficking Survivors Relief Act arrow
Senate Trafficking Survivors Relief Act

May 3, 2024

Teenage survivor of forced marriage becomes a role model in her community arrow
Forced Marriage Life Skills Training

April 26, 2024

Hope for Justice and Intel seeking partners for Private Data Exchange project arrow
Confidential Computing Intel

April 25, 2024

Open letter to Rishi Sunak over Safety of Rwanda Act arrow
Safety of Rwanda Act UK
young girl