Award for groundbreaking tool showing forced labour in supply chains
More than 1 million human trafficking victims in USA – new study
Traffickers ID’d in 8-month cold case
Ukrainian woman now safe after sponsor tried to traffic her
U.S. survivor story: “Hope for Justice restored the trust I needed”
“Illegal Migration” Bill must be withdrawn
Highest ever number of potential victims of modern slavery identified in the UK (2022)
Boy groomed by police officer now safe in Hope for Justice shelter
World record marathon fundraiser gets global news coverage
Boy forced to street beg in Uganda reunited with family
January 2023 UK law changes: how are survivors of modern slavery affected?
Hope for Justice convenes second Anti-Trafficking In Persons Policy Leader Roundtable
Hope for Justice launches Let’s Talk About It podcast
UNODC report shows alarming drop in trafficking convictions
Hope for Justice Ethiopia shelter marks 1,000th survivor
Hope for Justice to host anti-trafficking roundtable in U.S. Senate
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