Mother rallies leaders to fix broken bridge after child falls
Courageous survivor now hundreds of miles away from traffickers who forced her into sex work
Our new Survivor Leadership Council, chaired by Jane Lasonder
Anti-deepfake bill passes Senate in critical step forward for survivors
Hope for Justice makes recommendations to strengthen international response to human trafficking
Hope for Justice launches new campaign ‘For The 50’
Police officer jailed for sexually exploiting 14-year-old girl
Hope for Justice endorses reauthorization of vital U.S. anti-trafficking legislation
Launch of the Trafficking In Persons Report 2024: Reaction
Emergency blood transfusion saves 14-year-old boy’s life
Trafficker charged with exploiting 14-year-old girl
60+ anti-trafficking organisations urge election candidates to prioritise modern slavery
Tim Nelson captures joyful moment as teen girl reunited with family
Survivor of sexual exploitation wins legal battle for compensation
RISE Program at our Hope for Justice North Carolina Regional Center
Deaf teenager reunited with mother after seven years
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