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Modern slavery awareness training for professionals

Public sector professionals and members of the voluntary and community sector in the UK are invited to attend Hope for Justice’s upcoming training events.

This training will focus on Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking and Exploitation, with a specific emphasis on Trauma-informed Early Response.

The course is discounted to £5 (usually priced at £30) and will be delivered by Hope for Justice, a leading anti-slavery charity, who share their experience through accredited training. The training is designed for statutory frontline workers and those who work in the community supporting those in vulnerable circumstances.

This course is extremely valuable – please share this event information with any other relevant colleagues or partners. You can register directly by selecting your preferred date via the links below:

Why should I take this course?

  • Learn skills focused on early trauma-informed response
  • Receive 2 hours of online learning modules for free
  • Course discounted to £5 (down from £30)

Who is this training for?

The sessions are for first responders, professionals and those supporting first responders who may come into contact with potential victims of modern slavery and human trafficking. If you work in any of the following areas, the course will be suitable for you to attend:

  • First responders
  • Police
  • Safeguarding
  • Council: Trading Standards, Environmental Health, Licensing, Housing, Social Care, Commissioning, Mental Health, Planning Enforcement, Education, Asylum and Refugee Services, Waste Refuse Teams, Library Services, Customer Service
  • Health Service
  • Probation
  • Fire & Rescue
  • Education
  • NGOs focused on vulnerabilities

How long are the training sessions?

  • 60 minutes eLearning and pre-session modules
  • 90 minutes live lunchtime/evening highly interactive session with a three-stage case study
  • 30 minutes post online learning modules

How is the training delivered?

Your learning starts by completing the eLearning and selected modules about the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) and the principles of a trauma-informed response. If you wish to receive CPD accreditation for this course, all the pre-elements are required.

This prepares you to engage effectively in the 90-minute live session where a staged case study of a potential victim explores how you respond. This enhances your trauma-informed response skills in the context of legislative measures, such as the NRM. The learning emphasis is on trauma-informed response.

Further learning is offered where there is 30 minutes of online training resources to complete your learning that matches your training needs. These include FAQs, legislation overview and procedures.

What level of training is this?

The training is accredited by CPD UK Accreditation. Those who have opted to evidence this are required to complete a pre- and post-evaluation and attain a pass mark. The pre-evaluation must be completed before the session starts. Those who are successful may request certification for 3 CPD UK points. This requires consent for your email to participate, given at the point of booking.

What else is provided for the delegate?

In your learning account you have access to all that you need for the training and you can download these resources in preparation for the class. You may wish to print off the resources or have them open on another screen but please be aware that if you use your phone the documents will likely be difficult to view. You should have the following downloadable documents for your class:

  • Responding to Modern Slavery booklet (CPD Certified) – Currently under review due to UK Government legislative changes in 2023
  • Three-stage case study
  • Learning Resource Library
  • Multilingual posters
  • MSHT self-identifying flyers

Who delivers the training?

The virtual classroom training is delivered by a trainer who is a subject matter specialist. The trainer draws from the experience of working with victims of modern slavery within Hope for Justice and their experience supporting victims out of exploitation.

What is the training style?

This training combines online modules either side of a live session. The live training utilises Mentimeter, a collective interactive learning tool to stimulate group discussions using a staged case study.

We would encourage you and your team to book on as soon as possible.

When does the training take place?

The course, Modern Slavery Awareness: Professional Learning Pathway – For professionals, is a tailored learning pathway where the live session (90 minutes) hones trauma-informed response skills. Either side of the live session will be supportive learning through our Hope for Justice Learning Academy (50 spaces per session). You can register by selecting your preferred date via the links below:

Included within the Professional Learning Pathway training is some prerequisite eLearning which will provide Modern Slavery Awareness foundation knowledge.

Testimonials from people who have attended this training – what did they like most?

  • “Love the use of Mentimeter and the word charts, useful for engagement and remembering the training.”
  • “So important to recognise the complex stories, and trauma involved.”
  • “Enjoyed the interaction and seeing other people’s views.”
  • “Great to have such an interactive session.”
  • “Alister was very knowledgeable on the subject, and it was at a great pace. A very thought-provoking, eye-opening course, very relevant for my role.”

Cancellation Policy: Should a delegate withdraw from the training, there is a no refund policy, dependent on the ability to fill the space with a waiting list candidate and the reason for the withdrawal. If a cancellation is received with less than 48 hours notice, or the delegate fails to attend the training, there is no refund.

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