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I wanted to contact you directly today to say a BIG thank you for your interest in the work of Hope for Justice and in finding solutions that help victims and survivors of modern slavery. More than 203,000 lives were impacted in 2023 through our work – you can see the joy this helped to create in the photo above, taken at our ‘Mary Lighthouse’ in Uganda where precious children are healing from their trafficking experiences.

Did You Know? A regular gift can make all the difference to a person’s life. We can all play our part in tackling the big issue of modern-day slavery. It may seem overwhelming, however as we work together, we can see real change.

Did You Know? Your commitment contributes to preventing exploitation and to people finding freedom and being supported to live a new life free from modern-day slavery.

Did You Know? You could take your support one step further by considering becoming a Hope for Justice regular giver.

For example, over the course of a year: 

£10 a month could help ensure our investigations teams have the resources they so desperately need.

£15 a month could help free children and adults from the misery of modern slavery.

£25 a month could provide vital materials for our outreach and engagement teams working directly with victims.

£50 a month could give the sustainable funding needed to bring rescue and restoration work to new locations.

Did You Know? We appreciate your support and your desire to impact lives enslaved by human trafficking.

If you would like to become a Hope for Justice regular giver and join this incredible community, just select your preferred monthly amount by clicking one of the links above. Or, to give a custom amount each month, just click here.

If you have any questions or would like more information about the impact of your contributions, please feel free to reach out to me directly. I’d love to hear from you.

young girl