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Standing Together

From the very day Hope for Justice was founded back in 2008, churches have been instrumental in supporting our work – being trained to spot the signs, praying, through regular giving, fundraising and by playing a central role in raising awareness about human trafficking in our world. The global scale of the problem has been met with a wave of unity across church communities who have committed themselves to stand with us in changing lives.

Free Human Trafficking Training

What does the Bible say about modern slavery?

The Bible speaks of a God who sets the oppressed free. He is a refuge for the oppressed (Psalm 9:9), He proclaims freedom for the prisoners (Luke 4:18), He is close to the broken-hearted (Psalm 34:18), He is a voice for the voiceless (Proverbs 31:8), He makes right decisions for the downtrodden (Isaiah 11:4), He restores people (1 Peter 5:10).

Deuteronomy 13:5 describes the Lord who brought the Israelites out of the land of Egypt and “redeemed them from the house of slavery.” We believe in a God who saves, sets free, binds up, helps, heals, delivers, restores. Hope for Justice’s work is centered around a model that has these Christian values at its core. Our approach aims to change lives that have been affected by human trafficking and ultimately, to prevent this evil from happening in the first place.

What role does the church play?

God has given us a mandate to follow His example. We are called to “act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with [our] God” (Micah 6:8, NIV).

Hope for Justice believes that we can be the generation to END human trafficking. This is a big vision which needs every person to play their part.

We have had multiple cases now where a member of a church congregation, trained and equipped to spot the signs of human trafficking, has seen something in their town and alerted our investigators, leading to a victim being identified who thought they were alone and no-one could help them.

The church can be part of knowing how to identify potential victims, where they are most likely to come into contact with them, and what steps to take if you suspect human trafficking.

How your Church can help Hope for Justice

01. Inform

In order to make wise decisions for the good of those who are affected by human trafficking, we need to be informed.

Many of our day-to-day buying habits as consumers will impact the people who are at the bottom of supply chains – the weak, the marginalized, those vulnerable to trafficking for forced labor.

Hope for Justice delivers Training in-person and via our online Learning Academy that is relevant for anyone involved in policing and law enforcement; federal or state or local government; healthcare and social work; or non-profit work in the community such as those doing outreach with vulnerable youth, the homeless and runaways.

02. Pray

We have a live prayer page, which is regularly updated with news, information, requests and answers to prayer from across our organization. Please join with us in praying for these specific areas.

We would love you to partner with us to pray for breakthrough for victims and survivors of human trafficking, as well as for the traffickers who are oppressing them – that their hearts would be changed.

We would love you to pray for governments and decision-makers as they introduce new legislation and reform. We meet every Wednesday evening to pray together about the issue.

Please email for more information.

03. Act

Spot the Signs


Learn to spot the signs of human trafficking. This makes it harder for the traffickers to hide their crimes.

Support Hope for Justice


Donate today to ensure we can see more victims identified and survivors supported. Here is our fundraising pack.

Get the resources you need


We have a wide variety of downloadables and materials for you and your church community to help you raise awareness and get educated. We have factsheets, social media shareables, info packs and more.

Join a volunteer chapter


Would you like to take your passion for ending human trafficking and use it to bring about real and lasting change? If so, then joining the Hope for Justice Volunteer Team could be the place for you. We’re looking for dynamic, motivated leaders to commit to representing Hope for Justice in their local communities by joining or starting a Hope for Justice Volunteer Chapter. You’ll be our public face in your community; engaging local groups and businesses with our anti-trafficking work, raising vital awareness of the signs of human trafficking, and carrying out fundraising initiatives. Not a good fit for you? Take a look at other volunteer opportunities across the organization. To find out more check out our Volunteer page

Use your voice

We’ve created some graphics you can download and use for free! Share our content on social media to make others aware of the issue.

Square graphic for social media: Hope arrow
Square graphic for social media: Freedom arrow
Square graphic for social media: Loved arrow
Square graphic for social media: Cherished arrow
Square graphic for social media: Amos 5:24 arrow
Square graphic for social media: Romans 12:12 arrow
Square graphic for social media: Isaiah 41:10 arrow
Square graphic for social media: Deuteronomy 32:4 arrow
Square graphic for social media: Psalm 31:24 arrow
Square graphic for social media: Psalm 31:24 arrow
Square graphic for social media: Job 12:22 arrow
Square graphic for social media: Psalm 118:5 arrow
young girl