Hope for Justice's new survivor support services in Tennessee, thanks to a grant from the Office of Victims of Crime (OVC), increase the reach of our service to those who need it most.
A woman who was left homeless while her trafficking case ‘slipped through the system’ is now in a safe house far away from her perpetrators.
We ask you to stand with us and pray for freedom – for those trapped in modern slavery, as well as for the traffickers committing this evil.
Hope for Justice, West Midlands Police, National Crime Agency and the CPS brought down a modern slavery gang that exploited 400 victims. This is how the case began.
The church can help to end human trafficking and modern slavery. When we stand together – united in prayer and action – we believe we will see God move in power.
Hope for Justice has received dozens of referrals about potential victims of modern slavery and human trafficking due to partnership in West Yorkshire, UK.
Picture: Hope for Justice CEO, Tim Nelson, with No More Traffik founder Pete Kernoghan Belfast-based anti-trafficking organisation No More Traffik is seeking to have a greater impact in the fight against modern slavery in Northern Ireland by becoming part of the larger charity Hope for Justice. Pete Kernoghan, formerly Development Director and
FRAPS (2016-2019) was a Comic Relief supported project in Uganda to provide care and protection of children at risk of coming to the streets.
The upcoming UK local elections are a vital opportunity to rid communities of exploitation. Hope for Justice has published these recommendations for candidates.
A man is now receiving the support he is entitled to – 18 years after being trafficked to the UK for forced labour. Our team helped him report his experiences.
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