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October 18, 2022

Hope for Justice marks 12th annual Anti-Slavery Day

To raise awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking, and to encourage businesses and...

October 17, 2022

Domestic servitude survivor now runs her own tailoring shop

One year after being referred to Hope for Justice, Dembe* has completed her vocational...

October 10, 2022

New Coalition says It’s Time to Stop Slavery

As members of the new Coalition to Stop Slavery, Hope for Justice and 16...

October 6, 2022

‘Someone helped me, so I would like to help someone else’, says survivor of modern slavery

A man who was exploited for forced labour by his landlord and left homeless...

October 6, 2022

Advocacy for survivor of UK’s largest trafficking ring

A survivor of modern slavery who was exploited by a criminal gang has finally...

October 4, 2022

Slave-Free Alliance seminar inspires businesses to build resilience against modern slavery

Dozens of professionals joined together to share their insights on how they are taking...

young girl