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Hope for Justice Safeguarding Policy

The Hope for Justice Global Safeguarding Policy is available at our Governance, Policies & Funding hub in the Policies and documents section.

The purpose of the Hope for Justice Safeguarding Policy is to protect people, particularly children, at-risk adults, and beneficiaries of assistance, from any harm that may be caused by coming into contact with Hope for Justice. This includes harm arising from:

  • The conduct of staff or personnel associated with Hope for Justice
  • The design and implementation of Hope for Justice’s programmes and activities

This policy lays out the commitments made by Hope for Justice and informs staff and associated personnel of their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding. This policy replaces and integrates our former Global Child Safeguarding Policy and Global Adult Safeguarding Policy.

This policy does not cover:

  • Sexual harassment in the workplace – which is dealt with under Hope for Justice’s Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy
  • Safeguarding concerns in the wider community not perpetrated by Hope for Justice or associated personnel (which are dealt with as Protection concerns)
young girl