Secure emergency hotel rooms for victims
If you are able to give, use this page and 100% of your gift will be restricted and will go ONLY to securing these hotel rooms.
We expect this to cost around $1,000. Any money given beyond what we need for these rooms will be spent instead on other provisions and emergency supplies that rescued survivors might need.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you donate, the receipt you receive from us via email may mention other things that this money might be spent on. You can ignore this. Due to the extreme urgency of this operation we have not had time to edit our email receipts. You can be assured that if you give via this link, 100% of your gift will be restricted.
GUARDIANS are part of our community of regular givers who know that rescue is not an event, it is a process. Let’s rebuild lives, together.
Hope for Justice is partnering with a law enforcement agency which expects to rescue victims in an operation happening within hours. We have been asked not to share the exact city where this sensitive operation is taking place. The women who are freed will need emergency accommodation. Can you spare a few dollars to help us pre-book around 10 hotel rooms so we are ready for this and can get them everything they might need? If you are able to give, use the link below and 100% of your gift will be restricted and will go ONLY to securing these hotel rooms.
USD $ monthly
Hope for Justice works closely with law enforcement to train officers, safeguard victims, and ensure perpetrators are brought to justice
“Law enforcement is waking up to the fact that there is a real nexus between human trafficking and drug trafficking – the perpetrators are often the same people.”
Dr. Richard Schoeberl, Hope for Justice U.S. Team Leader for Investigations & Training