Other ways to donate
It is quickest and easiest to give by debit card or credit card directly on our website by clicking or tapping the Donate button at the top of the screen. However, there are a number of other ways to make a life-changing gift if more convenient for you:
To donate via cheque:
Please make cheques payable to Hope for Justice Australia and send to: Hope for Justice Australia, 477 Boundary Street, Spring Hill QLD 4000. In order to receive a donation receipt, please ensure you include your name and email address along with your cheque.
To donate via bank transfer:
National Australia Bank
BSB: 082-356
Account: 91 249 2730
Account name: Hope for Justice Australia
Reference: Surname and Initial
If you would like for us to issue a receipt for your donation, please email info.au@hopeforjustice.org to tell us about your bank transfer.