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I’m delighted to share with you this Annual Review, which is full of examples of the life-changing impact of Hope for Justice’s work around the globe. I am so proud of the passion, energy and dedication of our staff, and incredibly grateful for the generosity of our donors, the commitment of our volunteers and the wisdom of our Board.

I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has been able to stand alongside us this year and who has enabled our work to reach nearly 150,000 individuals around the world.

There have been challenges over the last 12 months and more, with inflationary pressures having an impact both on the cost of providing our charitable services and donors’ ability to give. To address this, we’ve cut our operating costs internationally, restructured some of our programmes and sought new funding streams.

During my recent trip to Ethiopia, I was privileged to see firsthand young children no longer in exploitation and being joyfully reunited with their families by our teams. Every day, seeing lives changed inspires me. I am excited for what is to come for Hope for Justice as we seek to bring freedom from modern slavery. Thank you for your support.

Tim Nelson
CEO, Hope for Justice

Connect with Tim:

Our Impact: This Year’s Achievements


men, women, boys and girls
reached through our work

We are so proud that our anti-trafficking projects were able to touch so many lives: identifying victims, supporting survivors and preventing exploitation.


Direct reach

A record proportion of our reach figure this year was Direct service provision to beneficiaries (61,727 people, or 42%). Examples of Direct reach include people removed from exploitation, served at our Lighthouses or through our Advocacy or RISE initiatives, professionals given intensive training and those participating in our Self-Help Groups. Indirect reach includes family members of our beneficiaries who indirectly benefitted from our work, those attending community anti-trafficking awareness and education events, and those reached through online and virtual outreach sessions. Note: All statistics on this page refer to April 2023 to March 2024.


Children and teenagers

Reintegrated with their families or assisted into independent living



Participated in one of our Self-Help Groups, helping build family and community resilience against human trafficking


Boys and girls

Benefitting from a caregiver’s participation in our Self-Help Groups or similar projects



Took our training in-person or online, learning to spot the signs, how to respond and how professionals can provide a trauma-informed response to victims



Engaged through our outreach work on the streets and in at-risk communities (1,984 children and 2,892 adults)



Removed from their situation of exploitation, 63 through a direct intervention and 17 indirectly



Worked by our Hub or Regional Center teams, with 377 human trafficking cases under active investigation during the year


Of children

Showed improved wellbeing after receiving our Lighthouse shelter services



Slave-Free Alliance members at the time of publication, including 17 FTSE 100 businesses

Read our full Annual Review for stories of lives changed forever, examples of how we have influenced laws and businesses, and country-specific information:

young girl