Legal aid funding system fails trafficking survivors
Research by the Anti Trafficking Labour and Exploitation Unit shows the devastating consequences of the lack of access to legal aid for many trafficking victims
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Research by the Anti Trafficking Labour and Exploitation Unit shows the devastating consequences of the lack of access to legal aid for many trafficking victims
Hope for Justice is advocating for improvements to the UK Government's CICA scheme in response to survivors facing major delays in being awarded compensation.
A male survivor of human trafficking has had to wait more than 10 years to be compensated for injuries he sustained whilst trapped in forced labour.
Stefan was arrested for crimes he was forced to commit. Now, he says: “I feel good, I feel happy – I wouldn't know what to do without Hope for Justice’s help.”
A survivor of modern slavery has been awarded £22,000 in compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority after they rejected her initial claim.
The Illegal Migration Bill 2023: Joint Briefing from Asylum, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Sector Organisations
Hope for Justice has welcomed a proposed amendment that would remove the unlawful Family Worker Exemption from National Minimum Wage legislation.
Hope for Justice, as part of a coalition, is calling for survivors of modern slavery and human trafficking to be entitled to legal aid that is not means tested.
Hope for Justice was proud to sign this joint letter from leaders in the anti-trafficking and human rights sector, following the broadcast of The Real Mo Farah
We are concerned by renewed attempts (The Telegraph, 17 August) to restrict the already basic, and inconsistent, support offered to survivors of modern slavery.